Friday, September 25, 2015

Hector and the Search for Happiness by Francois Lelord

Either that or Hector doing a lot of grownup things.

Image result for hector and the search for happiness

   The book cover art and a cursory reading of the blurb had convinced me that this was one of those quirky and comical new age books about finding happiness. My interest was piqued but that didn't last long.

   This book is sort of a travelogue by Hector, a psychiatrist. One day on an impulse he decides to set out on a journey to discover what makes a man happy. He first goes to China and the to some civil war ridden African nation. His experiences, the people he meets and the lessons he learns make up the book. 

  I hoped the book would have been a good read but the narrative style was elementary for me, unless that was the intention. I like to share my reviews on books that I enjoyed reading so I was unsure about putting this review up because in retrospect, this book is one of those that I wish I had not picked up. And now they have made this book into a movie!!!